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30-What is the proof for the judgment that a man’s handshake with a marriageable female (ajnabiyyah) from her age of desirability, is Islamically unlawful? What is the proof for the judgment that a man’s handshake with a marriageable female (ajnabiyyah) from her age of desirability, is Islamically unlawful? The Prophet, salallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said, “If Allah  willed to punish the man who sinfully  touches a marriageable woman, his punishment would be more severe than to be stricken […]

16-Clarify the proof concerning the blasphemy of the one who curses Allah. Clarify the proof concerning the blasphemy of the one who curses Allah. Qadi ^Iyad relayed the scholarly consensus that the one who curses Allah apostatizes even if he or she was angry, joking or did not feel delighted by the utterance. Suratut-Tawbah, Ayat 65, 66 mean, “If you question those who have blasphemed, they […]

09-Can the term du^a’ be defined as worship? Can the term du^a’ be defined as worship?   Yes. Du^a’ has many meanings in the Arabic language, among them are; to worship, to supplicate and to call to. Worship means extreme humility and submission. This is due only to Allah. Suratul-Jinn, Ayah 20 means, “Say, ‘I only make du^a’ to my Lord, and […]

01-What is the purpose of creating the humans and the jinn? What is the purpose of creating the humans and the jinn?  Allah created the humans and jinn to order them to worship Him. Suratul-Dhariyat, Ayah 56 means, “Allah has created jinn and mankind, only to order them to worship Him.” The Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said, “The greatest right due to Allah from his […]

02-How is worship (^Ibadah) accepted?  How is worship (^Ibadah) accepted? Worshipping Allah is accepted only from the believers. The believers believe in the existence of Allah, and do not liken Him to any of His creations. Suratush-Shura, Ayah 11 means, “Nothing is like Allah in any way.” The Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said, “Do not attempt to imagine the […]

03-Why did Allah send Messengers?  Why did Allah send Messengers?  Allah sent Messengers to educate people about their well being in this life and in the Hereafter, as well as to call them to worship Allah alone without associating partners with Him.   Suratul-Baqarah, Ayah 213 means, “Allah sent Messengers with good tidings and warnings.” In the hadith related by […]

04-What does Tawhid (Oneness of God) mean?  What does Tawhid (Oneness of God) mean?  Imam Al-Junayd said, “Tawhid is differentiating the Eternal [i.e. Allah] from the created.” Allah is eternal, meaning His existence is without a beginning; whereas, the created exists with a beginning.   Suratush-Shura Ayah 11 means, “Nothing is like Allah in any way.” Al-Bukhariyy related that, “The Prophet […]

05-Discuss the Existence of Allah.  Discuss the Existence of Allah. Allah exists. There is no doubt about His existence. He exists without being attributed with a manner of being (how) or a place. No creation resembles Him, and He is not comparable to any of them.  Suratu–Ibrahim, Ayah 10 means, “There is no doubt about the existence of Allah.” […]

06-What is the meaning of Ayah 4 of Suratul-Hadid?  In Ayah 4 of Suratul-Hadid Allah said:  وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ(Wa huwa ma^akum aynama kuntum). What does this mean?  This part of the Ayah refers to the fact that Allah has knowledge of us wherever we may be. This meaning was stated by Sufyan ath-Thawriyy, ash-Shafi^iyy, Ahmad, Malik, and others.  Suratut–Talaq Ayah 12 […]

07-What is the most enormous sin?  What is the most enormous sin?  The most enormous sin is blasphemy. Shirk is a type of blasphemy; it is to worship other than Allah.  Surat Luqman, Ayah 13 contains the meaning of what Luqman said is, “O my son! Do not worship other than Allah, for shirk is extreme injustice.”  It was narrated […]

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