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What is the explanation of Ayah 16 of Suratul-Mulk [A’amintum man fis-sama’i ayyakhsifa bikumul-ard]?   أأمنتم من في السماء أن يخسف بكم الأرض

This Ayah means, “Do you feel secure that the angels in the sky will not shake the earth from under you and get you swallowed in a landslide, upon the order of Allah?” The interpreter of the Qur’an, Al-Fakhr Ar-Raziyy, in his explanation, and Abu Hayan Al-Andalusiyy, in his book Al-Bahr Al-Muhit, both stated that the term ‘man fis-sama’i’  refers to ‘the angels in the sky’ and it does not mean that Allah dwells in the sky.

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