What is the explanation of Ayah 88 of Suratul-Qasas [kullu shay’in halikun illa Wajhah] كل شىء هالك إلا وجهه ]?
Imam al-Bukhariyy said the term [illa Wajhah] means “except His Dominance”. Imam Sufyan Ath-Thawriyy said that the term [illa Wajhah] means “except the righteous deeds done in sincerity to gain reward from Allah. So the meaning of the Ayah becomes either, ‘Everything will come to an end except the Dominance of Allah’ or ‘Only the righteous deeds done in sincerity to Allah will deliver reward. It is blasphemy to explain the term ‘Wajhah’ as a physical ‘face’ attributed to Allah.